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AOL Inc.

Stay on top of today’s top stories on a variety of topics from politics and finance to celebrity news. Turn on alerts for breaking news, important emails, and weather updates to help you stay informed and connected. Plus, check your AOL Mail, send messages, and access all of your AOL and phone contacts directly from the app.


Read or watch the latest news around politics, US and world news, sports, entertainment, finance, lifestyle, and weather. Pulled from reliable sites including TechCrunch, HuffPost, Engadget, AOL Finance, and AOL Sports. Never miss a story with breaking news push notifications. Share articles and videos via Facebook, Twitter, and email


Manage your AOL Mail from anywhere, Access all of your AOL and phone contacts in a single location. Quickly swipe to delete, move, mark, or flag emails. Customize the left and right swipe gesture to assign specific actions you use the most. Tap once to empty all trash and spam. Enable Touch ID or Face ID for added security


Check weather in your location with a single tap. Hourly and daily forecasts. Customized notifications.

Here you can download AOL for Free