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Wither Storm Mod

Solend Studio Ltd

This mod enhances the base game with a new story mod, where the Wither is featured as a huge creature with the specific goal of hunting the player down.

An even more monstrous Wither

For those who don't know about it, the Wither is a three-headed floating skeletal boss that you have to craft to fight. It’s one of the most difficult battles in Minecraft, and it normally takes some time to master this encounter.

Features and tools to fight the Wither

Of course, the mod also adds some help to increase survival chances. For instance, the Wither Storm can be seen as far as 10,000 blocks away. This gives plenty of time to gear up or run away. There are also some new tools, including the "formidibomb". This is a complicated item to craft, but when used near the Wither Storm, it'll probably wish it never encountered the intrepid player.

Amazingly fun but difficult

Crackers Wither Storm is an incredible mod that completely changes Minecraft's pace and tone. The battle is intense, and it even lets the player get inside this monstrosity. It's well done and an intriguing concept as well. But for players who prefer to avoid dying a lot, or want a more laid-back gaming experience, it's best to run away from this mod before the Wither Storm comes.

Here you can download Wither Storm Mod for Free